Institute for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis

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Blog Transformations

As an effect of the international doctoral programme  "Transformations in European Societies" five PhD students from Munich, Tel Aviv and Basel launched an English website called "Transformations. A new voice on culture, politics and change". 

TRANSFORMATIONS is a medium through which dedicated and critical anthropologists put their thoughts, experiences and research insights up for discussion using a full range of digital opportunities including text, images, audio and video.

We connect our research with themes of a broad public relevance, while also making the personal and often emotional act of research in social and cultural anthropology accessible to a wider audience.
We aim for a creative, rich and accessible style of writing that is easy to understand, so that we can put people and their life-stories into the spotlight.

Editorial team: Andreas Hackl, Angela Firmhofer, Daniel Kunzelmann, Miriam Gutekunst and Seraina Müller
Proofreading: Emma Hill and Michelle Piccirillo

For further information please contact: 

You can also find more information on TRANSFORMATIONS on Facebook and Twitter.