Institute for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis

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CV Leonie Thal

Educational Background

October 2014 - July 2016: M.A. Volkskunde/European Ethnology, University of Munich - Master’s Thesis: “The German-Egyptian transformational Partnership. Structures, Logics and Effects of foreign cultural policy and funding in music“

October 2011 – July 2014: B.A. Volkskunde/European Ethnology with minor subject Languages/Culture/Literature at the University of Munich
Bachelor’s Thesis: “Where are we now? The development of the alternative music scene in Cairo during the Arab Spring“

Professional Experience

Since Winter Semester 2012/13: Lecturing Tutor at the Institute of Euopean Ethnology and Cultural Analysis, LMU Munich
Since October 2016: research assistant at the Institute of Euopean Ethnology and Cultural Analysis, LMU Munich
Since August 2018: PhD scholarship from the "Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes", Dissertation Project: "How to prevent radicalisation - narratives, figures and logics in the policy of preventing Islamic radicalisation of adolescents in Germany" (working title)